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You Got this with Julia

Julia Ornelas

Certified Fertility Awareness Educator.
Your personal cheerleader. Mama. Adventure Seeker.

My passion is teaching women about their menstrual cycles so they can fully embrace their unique cyclical nature

We focus on supporting, NOT fixing around here.

What Clients Say

I wish I’d discovered Julia's Charting for Health & Hormones course as a teenagerI spent almost two decades actually doing more harm to my body and overall health by blindly taking prescription drugs to address symptoms without ever going to the root of the problem or truly understanding how my mind and body worked together as a wholeThe workshops with Julia have brought such a deep and calm understanding of my body...

menstrual cycle chart

I'm so glad you found me.

After charting my own cycles and helping women for 20 years I’ve learned to take many scientifically backed fertility awareness methods (FAM) and turn them into an understandable superpower that help women to better their relationships with themselves and others.  


With all this newly learned info, women and couples are then able to use it as effective Natural Family Planning (NFP) to both avoid and achieve pregnancy.  How cool is that?

We don’t just stick to one method around here because it’s not one size fits all.  We find what works best for you!



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